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Thanks for visiting the Survey page.


We hope each and everyone’s experience at The Artistic Soul Studio is positive and the tuition provided by Deanne enables you to grow in confidence and progress the execution of your skills to enrich your art journey.   


Deanne would love to hear from you about what you like, dislike or suggestions on how to improve the following: 
    Website (any difficulties or issues noted, suggestions) 
    Workshops (please include specific workshop kids, adults, teen’s)

    Special event workshops (please include specific details - Yuppo, Drawing, Resin etc…)


Deanne would also love to hear about any suggestions you may have for the following:
    Future workshop ideas, sculpting, photography etc...
    Art tours eg Rembrandt, MONA Tasmania etc... 


The survey is also a space where you can bring up any general idea, critique or praise that you would like to submit for consideration.
All responses will remain private. It may not be possible to respond to each individual comment but all will be considered and acted upon where possible. A summary of the findings of the survey will be posted in Deanne's Blog in coming weeks.


Thanks! Message sent.

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